Saturday, February 01, 2003

a little bit sweeter

so i finally made it to iowa, safe, sound, and only mildly pissed off at our bus driver, who, after taking us an hour in the direction we had came because we left someone at a gas stop, asked if anyone knew where we were. Of course, we drove around for about an hour before he would admit he was lost. friggin men.

post from yesterday

my problem isn’t really that I want certain people smited out of existence (though that’s not really a great thing to want) its that I am very easily distracted and (thus) get annoyed very easily. So I tend to want, say, a coworker to be crushed like a bug under the thumb of the lord just because they are whiny, or uncreative, or speak at volumes far beyond the necessary decibel range. Alternately, I pray for them to reach the true enlightenment or go be a shield.

"you're the cup i hold by the cheekbones"

i miss him. but it's so bizarre; we have seen each other every day or every other day recently... i would question whether we have spent more than a week apart since we've met. but i don't feel afraid of the time we'll have apart (when i go back). He convinces me not to be scared.

Monday, January 27, 2003

secret blog

sooo.... i haven't posted in approximately 30 days because...

  1. i have been abducted by aliens bearing an uncanny resemblance to ryan phillippe, and have been subjected to all sorts of unmentionably explicit experiments in space
  2. i'm on a farm with many other kind folk. we are a very connected people, who show our love and gratitude for the universe by chanting "hail krishna" ad nauseum. i invite you to join me and my fellow spiritual penguins
  3. i have rather fallen for a boy
  4. my boss looked over my shoulder when i was hard at "work" one day and decided that i needed to have restricted internet access for a probationary period

so seriously. Tomorrow is the state of the union, or rather the sorry state of the union, and then wednesday the security council meets. does anyone else feel like we're living in the most dramatic period of our lives? (ok- disclaimer- previous statement applies to people no more than 15 years older than yours truly.) Today, twenty-two people were arrested down the street from me as i got a glass of water from the kitchen. only yesterday i was sitting in a circle with them, talking about what nonviolence is.