Friday, October 25, 2002

T-minus 1 hour, 30 minutes

I'm getting that lovely tingly anticipatory feeling all over. I'd call it butterflies, but any feelings of tiny wings in my abdominal region have been overridden by the huge can of lentil soup i consumed during that 3 hour conference call. At least i'm not leaving on an empty stomach. I really don't know how i'm gonna make it through this weekend with NO MONEY. the lovely folks over in payroll decided that i didn't really need my check, so it's only by the grace of the office manager that i'll be able to make rent next week. that's ok. i didn't really want to eat for the next couple of days anyway. maybe i can make a sign and panhandle when i get to washington. it'll say "victim of the system" and i'll make sad faces at people in the metro station.

Thursday, October 24, 2002

i'm not kidding.

this is kinda freaking me out. it's funny to call them anti-freckles, but it really won't be funny if they spread and take over my body. i wish i wasn't so hyperchondriacal.

what is wrong with me?

i think i have a skin disease. more to follow. didn't get to talk to michael. stupid time difference.

Monday, October 21, 2002

documented tripping

i am a ticketed passenger for Washington, DC. I am also a ticketed patron for "Love's Labour Lost". & I am about to need to buy another ticket so that i can spend the night with liz(d) at her new apartment. i think it might be time to start gluing all these stubs down in a book.

bizarro world

i work in such a weird place. My managing director always comes around when i'm eating something messily at my desk, i sit next to a man who swears loudly and constantly and makes inappropriate/lewd/downright obscene comments to just about everyone he talks to on the phone, the woman beside him keeps her voice pitched somewhere between a whine and a wail for the entire workday, down the aisle, a sorority girl from the 1950's sits perfectly preserved like a fossil with the same hair and shoes that she wore when all her 'sisters' welcomed her to sigma omega whatever. i'm the vertically challenged youngster of the office who can't stop eating, my mother the agressive wise-ass is just down the way, and babies keep popping up all over the place.

monday, bloody monday

right. so i've definitely been up for four and a half hours by this point. the huge bags under my eyes ought to be a dead giveaway, but should anyone fail to notice them, there's the unmistakable sound of snoring coming from my cubifffffffffffffle oh damn.