Thursday, December 26, 2002

too much for reality tv

Yes, my christmas did include: several new pairs of pants, none purchased first-hand- perry ellis, laundry, buffalo, sisley; some work tops (also not new new)- br, kenneth cole, BCBG, nicole miller; me loading up my soynog with rum when noone was looking; me making full-body humping motions in the dining room in front of my family (sound effects, too); me falling on the floor; my family laughing at me heartily.

i don't think i'll be able to go to washington for the protest in january (aka the protest that everyone's going to) because i've signed up for the chicago cares care-a-thon... one good turn counts for another i suppose, but all the same i'd rather be in dc..

Monday, December 23, 2002

daily affirmations NO. 982

Recent events have soured my hopes for a calm and collected response having any kind of serious impact on the administration. What i think we are looking at now is a playing field where even the most outre tactics become rreasonable means of expression, so long as they are timely, focused, and conducted with love. It's all about presenting the range of alternatives there are available, and preserving our rights to access those alternatives. That means that we as individuals preserve the right to speak out and challenge the views of the world portrayed in mainstream media, or the right to understand why we don't need to go to war. When the administration erodes those rights, through homeland security or other similar "antiterror" legislation, they are securing power centers through the control of information. If the people can not freely express their creativity and are submerged in the constant downpour of unilateral 'news' reports, the people will never be able to challenge the hegemonic systems which are in a constant struggle to consolidate ever increasing power matrices.

also, watched pots never boil.