Thursday, November 07, 2002

sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows

so let’s see. This morning, did I:

  • wake up in a bed that wasn’t mine and feel like I ought not to have been there?
  • have a raging hangover that threatened to crush my will to live?
  • show up an unacceptable 30 minutes late to work, only to be subjected to Tom Lawler’s discourse on his upcoming colonoscopy consultation (TWICE, no less)?

Yeah, it’s been a bang-up day. Things I would like to know:

  • (Why) does God hate me?
  • How can I sneak away from the office and grab some really greasy fries to alleviate the unmitigated agony that is my stomach right now?
  • What exactly made the last 11 hours as awful as they were?

End whiny depressing entry.

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

talkin bout a revolution

Almost done with another day, thinking about the demonstration tomorrow and the ultra-ridiculous police presence today. People have let the media whip them into a frenzy once more, with headlines like "COULD IT HAPPEN HERE?" and corporate emails informing employees to "call 9-1-1 if you see any suspicious behavior". It's really upsetting and i plan on trying to flyer for the demonstration on my way home. This week has proceeded without incident, thankfully, and my only regret is spending a lot of time with Dr. T these past couple of nights (nah, i don't really regret it...)

Monday, November 04, 2002

"i still do"

had an utterly domestic weekend, inclusive of leisurely brunch and long naps, spent an entirely deserved amount of time in bed thinking only about the placement of arm or a leg, and ran around today makin sure that everybody had what they needed.jenny will be gone in a week and a half... i fear the powers that be moving tom lawler any closer to me than he already is... this is the man who works on the domestic team whose voice can literally be heard from anywhere in the office at any given time. It's bad enough that his clients enjoy his misgynistic banter, but now her's taking over sweet little jenny white's accounts as well? something is seriously wrong in the cosmos.