Tuesday, November 26, 2002

due dilligence

so yeah. Jenny quit, Anne took the day off, and Uli left an hour ago. Which leaves me alone in the pod. so am i going to put my head down and work a lot harder because there's no one around to distract me? noooo. I think i'll fuck about on the web and see if i can't figure this whole "media studies" thing out.

"it's snowy all over"

and so it is. the city sheathed in an unending cascade of fluttering white flakes, visibility diminishing under a cold blank blanket. i think it might be time for a fire soon- of course, the room would have to be clean enough that i could light a fire and contain it to the fireplace. (there's a word that means what it is). Thinking about children's books and pet names, and anticipating (feel my heartbeat growing faster) tori tomorrows.