Friday, November 15, 2002

yessir, that (was) my baby

y'know, when i met him, there was nothing about him that would have indicated his eventual transformation.

brain cell count: -40

i just got a call from a woman at UBS. She apparently found my slide card IN THE STREET.... thank some heavenly being for it not falling out from under my belt, which apparently struck me as a good place to tuck it, elsewhere in the city. Christ on a crutch.

“la da da, la da da, the walkman makes him sing, la da da…”

Say hey for mornings where you wake up before your alarm goes off. Say sweet zombie jesus for mornings where you wake up twice before your alarm goes off and both times you need to run to the kitchen to put some water in your system so that you don’t choke on your own bile.

Mmm bile. Well, the evening started out pleasantly enough: A trip to greektown to munch and imbibe, a cheerfully authentic locus to do so, a celebration of a coworker’s new direction (and much-needed liberation)…. And $40, two beers, and three shots of ouzo later, I was wandering through parts west of the city center that I had no idea existed. Finding myself on a street I recognized, I proceeded to walk back across the river and into the loop, eventually boarding the train at my standard workday stop. Brilliant.

Not that I don’t plan on going out with the crew again tonight. At this rate, though, I’ll hafta pull out for the Saturday birthday event… Which is fine by me, though seeing Anne plastered is reason enough to go.

Things that have made today great:

  1. Getting a seat on my train

  2. Baba ganouj for breakfast

  3. Pants chat with jill

Thursday, November 14, 2002

when it rains

apparently it just drizzles. it's gross outside now, and this morning seemed so nice, and last night was balmy relative to recent ass-coldness. Speaking of last night, it began with a thoroughly enjoyable show, and ended with a lunch date with the CIO of the merc. not bad for a wednesday, if y'ask me.

funny's one word for it

just got off the phone with my oh-so-special maman, who informs me that Robin needs her essay for Davis revised RIGHT NOW because she can't start on any other applications until the Davis one is in the mail. That's just great. That's splendid. And noone could have told me about that this morning when i had literally nothing to do and was instigating smoke breaks just so that i could brainstorm projects to keep me occupied? No, that would have made far too much sense. Much better to let me know now, when i actually have three tasks looming, each with their own rapidly approaching deadline and their own distinct sets of complications.

Monday, November 11, 2002

the day before the day before

well, unfortunately i could not talk myself into a $28 tie or a $89 track jacket. Escada's line-up was pricier than i expected, so a sixty percent discount brought the clothes into the 'flagrantly ridiculous' price range from the "someone mistyped this tag. and this one..." range. Also got a look at the "fork over your firstborn child" jewlery, which was too polished and redundantly obnoxious. But for that matter the salesfolk were, as well. At this point i am feeling a desire just to go home and bury my sorrows under a mass of pillows and comforters and not get up till saturday.


waiting for jason to return and relieve me of my duty so i can go check out the Escada sale.... debating calling mandy, knowing that i will be seeing her anyway at the end of the day. Someone else is expecting to hee me as well, but i don't know how i feel about that at this moment. I mean i do, but i'm just being stupid and self-absorbed. Oh, the novelty of it all.

So apparently we rank like 43rd in a nationwide ranking of the ethics levels of the individual states. California, unsurprisingly, is in the top 5, along with Hawaii and Wisconsin. All of this is second-hand information; i'm still trying to track down the Tribune article about it.

in other breaking news, shopping yesterday with father and sister was draining in the extreme, but after most probably being rebuked by the best sibling ever, Mr. Snide Comments in Nordstroms About the Greatest Kenneth Cole Jacket Ever apologized (via email, natch) this morning.