status report
quarter of two and i learn that he's not coming in to the office at all today. That's spectacular. I really hope the UPS guy didn't need this package before noon....
i gave up and printed and bound them all. caution be dammed. I don't have time to wait for hungover frenchmen or people who don't call me back. I have things to do and I'm definitely not getting paid to sit around while everyone else sorts out their own lives. grrrrr.
on the upside, i just secured a ride home from cornland. and rediscovered my intense passion for really junky food. excited about the impending weekend, and about the craziness that is almost sure to ensue. not soo excited about going to pick up the contacts tonight, though i don't really know how to express my not so excitement to the folks. I just don't really feel in the mood for one of rich's big food productions, and i know that there will be a lot of "oh, stay, eat something, blahdy blah" when what i will be thinking is "ok, i need to get home and talk to my doctor while i pack" ("my doctor has a first name, it's T-A-N-Q, my doctor has a last name, it's U-E-R-A-Y...)"